Bullets Jeff Malone 2x All Star Signed 1986 Fleer #67 Card Auto 10 BAS Slabbed 海外 即決 [26518459]

Bullets Jeff Malone 2x All Star Signed 1986 Fleer #67 Card Auto 10 BAS Slabbed 海外 即決 [26518459]

販売価格: 20,000(税込)

在庫数 12枚



Bullets Jeff Malone "2x All Star" Signed 1986 Fleer #67 Card Auto 10 BAS Slabbed
(Bullets Jeff Malone "2x All Star" Signed 1986 Fleer #67 Card Auto 10 BAS Slabbed)



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This item is 100% Authentic, it comes slabbed and authenticated by Beckett Authentication Services. The authenticity can be verified on Beckett Authentication Services website. Product DetailsSigned By:Jeff MaloneAdditional Info:Washington BulletsAuthenticated By:BeckettDetails:The PPC Guarantee:Press Pass Collectibles (PPC) offers authentic in-person autographs that include a 100% money-back lifetime guarantee regarding the autograph's authenticity. Our items are sourced from PPC autograph signings or direct from leading suppliers of authentic memorabilia. The companies that authenticate these items include Beckett Authentication Services (BAS), Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA/DNA), James Spence Authentication (JSA), Steiner Sports, Upper Deck, Fanatics, Mounted Memories, and Tri-Star Productions. All autographed items come with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) from these suppliers that includes a tamper proof hologram affixed to the item. Shipping:Press Pass Collectibles ships all orders via UPS, FedEx, or USPS within 24 business hours. We will combine shipping! Additional items are typically $1 - $2 each, but cost may vary depending on dimensions and weight. Please contact us for a combined invoice prior to making your payment. PPC Exclusives:Press Pass Collectibles has exclusive autograph relationships with over 50 professional athletes and celebrities including Magic Johnson, Chevy Chase, Travis Kelce, DK Metcalf, Justin Jefferson, Randy Moss, Kyler Murray, Adrian Peterson, Baker Mayfield, Ray Lewis, George Kittle, Dak Prescott, Jerome Bettis, Chase Claypool, Deion Sanders, Jack Lambert, Mean Joe Greene, T.J. Watt, J.J. Watt, Tony Dorsett, Devin White, Tony Gonzalez, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin, Jason Witten, Jared Allen, Kurt Warner and more!Shop our entire collection


Bullets Jeff Malone 2x All Star Signed 1986 Fleer #67 Card Auto 10 BAS Slabbed 海外 即決

